It’s 2018 – Happy New Year everybody!
I’m sure we’re all looking forward to enjoying great scouting in the coming year, but at this time of year I find myself looking back and appreciating how far we’ve come over the last year.
It was a privilege to receive invitations from the 44th Norwich and 11th Norwich to attend their annual Christmas Carol Services during Advent and an honour to invest Marc Middleton as Group Scout Leader of 11th Norwich during the service at the Church of St Barnabas.
As always, the young people did themselves, their parents, carers, not to mention their Leaders proud and both events gave fabulous opportunities to socialise together with families, Leaders, Group members and representatives from the local communities and supporting organisations.
I thank all of you, as friends and members of our District, for all you brought to scouting last year.
We have much to look forward to – bring on 2018!
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