
44th Norwich Scouts win Shooting Competition

We were fortunate to have good weather on Sunday 22nd April for our annual District Shooting competition.   18 teams representing 10 Scout Group took part in the event which was held at the 1st Taverham Scout HQ.   The teams had clearly been practising as we had a very good competition with the team winners being determined by a countback after the top two teams each scored 643 points.

The results were:

Team Competition

1st        44th Norwich
2nd       1st Horsford & St Faiths
3rd        3rd & 4th Norwich

Overall highest scorers

1st        Ryan Wesson  – 1st Taverham – 230 points
2nd       Grace Tuma – 44th Norwich – 222 points
3rd        Naima Tyler-Berry – 3rd & 4th Norwich – 198 points


The results of the individual disciplines were:

Rifle – Standing

1st        Jaydn Taylor – 1st Horsford & St Faiths – 48 points
2nd       Jack Harley – 1st Taverham – 48 points
3rd          Ben Rayner – 44th Norwich – 47 points

Rifle – Kneeling

1st        Ryan Dearden – 1st Horsford & St Faiths – 63 points
2nd       Grace Tuma – 44th Norwich – 61 points
3rd        Ryan Wesson – 1st Taverham – 55 points

Rifle – Prone

1st        Grace Tuma – 44th Norwich – 66 points
2nd       Ryan Wesson – 1st Taverham – 60 points
3 rd          Naima Tyler-Berry – 3rd & 4th Norwich – 58 points


1st        Jasmine Savory – 2nd Reepham- 76 points
2nd       Ryan Wesson – 1st Taverham – 73 points
3rd        Harry Applegate – 1st Horsford & St Faiths – 72 points

The scouts all did their best and showed a good sporting spirit throughout the day and the District will now select the top 8 shots to represent them in the County Shooting competition in October

This event would not have been possible without the assistance of the qualified Instructors who support the delivery of the disciplines and the small team who scored the targets and pulled the results together.  I am grateful to the whole team for giving up their time to enable the scouts to have a great day.

Please visit our photo gallery for a selection of photographs from the event.


Steve Reynolds
District Assistant Commissioner – Events
Northern Norwich

29th April 2018     News, Scouts

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