
Scout Camp at Decoy Broad

Scout Camp at Decoy Broad

One of the highlights of the calendar for the scouts in Northern Norwich is the annual District Water Camp at Decoy Broad.  This year’s event saw the biggest ever attendance of young people with all the Troops participating.  The increase in the number of scouts attending meant that we had to provide more activities.  There were 10 different choices and by offering a “ticket swap”, we tried to give the opportunity for them to take part in those they enjoyed, while the leaders encouraged their members to try at least one new activity.

As the scouts enjoyed their Saturday evening meal many were exhausted from the day’s activities, but they all gathered their strength again to take part in a competitively fought “Tug of War Competition” which this year was won by a team from the 1st Taverham.   Keeping with tradition this was followed by a rousing campfire and singsong led by James Wilson (Taverham).

On Sunday morning we gathered for a few minutes as Ben Kirby (Horsford) gave us an opportunity to consider “What makes a good leader” – not just in scouting but in the local community and beyond.   The activities then continued until mid-afternoon, after which the dozens of adult volunteers led the significant task of clearing away all the activities and equipment and taking down and packing into trailers and van their camping equipment and tents.

I would like to thank all those who took part in a brilliant weekend, but especially the band of activity instructors, without whose skills we would not be able to deliver such opportunities for our Scouts.

Why not visit our gallery to view more photographs from the event.

18th June 2018     News, Scouts

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