
Minutes of Full District Meeting Monday 28 March 2022

Evening everyone,

Please find attached the minutes of Monday evening’s meeting, together with the SnapShot document as promised for you to complete and return to Graham Don, cc’d to Stuart Daley and Neville Jarvis please. 

As discussed this will enable Graham and Stuart to respond effectively to existing priorities across the District, and it would be useful if these could be completed and returned by 14 April. 

David G, could I ask that you double check for all camps coming up that all mandatory training and DBSs are in place for attendees please, and any other identified minimum requirements are in place. 

AAC – to ensure all in the loop, Mike and Sandra are running two panels in April to clear a number of outstanding new Leaders from the outstanding list. Please follow up with your team member when you receive a copy of Sandra’s invitation, to support attendance. 

James Higham is working with Graham and Stuart to cover the mechanics regarding managing the New Joiner Enquiries – I’m sure you’ll receive confirmation when this is all in place. 

We’ve had enquiries recently regarding Tomahawk activity. Our volunteers in Scouting are able to attend courses delivered outside of the Scout Association to gain experience and knowledge etc, however we do ask that they attend our County led training session to ensure consistancy in the delivery of the activity regarding instruction and importantly safety for adults and young people participating. Experience can be gained by supporting this activity at events such as WAM where leader can support the activity gain experience under the direction/supervision of a Leader who has already completed the Scout Association Course/Training. I hope this clarifies this, any questions then please do liaise with Steve Reynolds and if you have any Leaders who have competed a course with another provider do get in touch with Steve so this can be recorded/registered. 

Please share minutes with your Teams to ensure all informed, and be assured that as the process regarding the appointment of a new District Commissioner is completed Neville will keep you all updated as appropriate.    

All for now, kindest regards to you all.


The minutes have been uploaded to:

District Drive > District Meeting Minutes >. Full District > 2022

30th March 2022     Members News

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